im all for making a change and a fresh start. but c'mon, who really keeps a resolution? honestly i think a new years resolution has more of a rep. for failing that keeping. bummer, but true. there are some areas of my life that need a little change, but it cant be forced because the calender says january 1, two thousand and blah blah blah. it HAS to be sincere if its going to stick. so here is some ways im looking to improve in 2012:
1. I WILL be rocking that bikini once again this summer. no hiding behind a towel, its a done deal. im ready to come out of hibernation and feel good about the skin im in. its not all about getting skinny, its about being healthy. i see a lot of jogging in my future. and cutting out the junk that just weighs me down (literally)
2.spend more time in the word. this means waking up earlier. for someone who loves their sleep, this may be my most challenging goal yet. lol but i need it. and i need to be consistant with it. who needs coffee when you can wake up and spend your morning with jesus?? :)
3. L O V E M O R E. and yes of course id love have the feeling of love more. like when i get those butterflies when my husband flirts with me, or kiss the heck out of my son because he is so darn cute. BUT id like to love more in action to those around me. i want to be kind and uplifting, always respectful in how i speak others. and i want to sacrificially be putting others before myself, my needs or comforts, out of love.
4.i want to trust God more. straight up. i am a control freak in every way. i want to learn to hand myself over to the Lord and say "let your will be done." i can literally feel my heart start beating faster at the thought of not being "in control" but the reality is i need to grow in that aspect of my faith. and lets face it, i usually make a mess of things. God cleans things up and is the one to make them a masterpiece. not me. its something that will not be accomplished overnight, but is a constant renewal and process. but at the same time it has to start somewhere. and that riiight here. when i think of a more lighter, peaceful, calmer, and happier me, i get so excited. this is not just a fantasy, its a reality that i press towards knowing "all can do all things through christ who strengthens me"
so here it is folks. my new years resolution, or "lifestyle change" whatever it is, it kicks off now. because if not today, then when? there is no better time than now :) i wrote this entry for a few reasons. one, to have to look. and two for myself and OTHERS to hold me accountable to these things. so you have my word, feel free to call me out and ask me how im doing with these ! have a safe and happy new year my friends, lets make it a good one!