April 3, 2013.
First of all, YAY! Second of all YAY! We are praising the Lord for this blessing. I am grateful he has trusted us with another beautiful little person to love and nurture. and yes, its been FOREVER since ive blogged. I recently finished up another term of school (can i get another yay?!) which has given me THREE WEEKS off before the next term starts. You'd think id use some free time to blog about this baby i am jumping for joy about, but honestly i have been spending a lot of time running for the nearest garbage can. Haha. Yeah. pregnancy is brutal. Just saying. Absolutely an amazing miracle, and a huge blessing from God. But still brutal. With Noah i had little to no nausea/morning sickness, and with this one ive had quite the opposite. But i must say, i still do love being pregnant. Time is already going by pretty quick but heres a quick recap over the last few weeks :)
There they are, in all their glory. haha. And i just wanna say that wet spot on the counter next to them is NOT pee. lol just water folks. Im grateful for being so in tune with my body. And because of that i knew from the start even before those two pink lines appeared that i was pregnant. I found out for sure only 10 days after i conceived. I also reeeeally have a feeling its a girl. I have from the very start. But i guess we shall see!
This is how we told our close family. We wanted to buy a shirt that said "big brother" but we could not find them anywhere, so we got crafty and made this :)
Here is my first ultrasound picture at 8 weeks. This is also the photo we used to make it "facebook official". I love the expression on his face. I am so blessed to be a mother to that beautiful boy, and now another little life. God is so good.
For any of you who have read a pregnancy book, the week by week size comparison always uses fruit to compare the size of the baby to, so, i thought it would be fun to do weekly pictures like this. Ive taken a picture of my belly every week since week 4 but i started this fruit picture at week 10.

I know what you're thinking. If im 11 weeks why do i look about 5 months. haha. Crazy right? In my defense i was showing at 3 months pregnant with Noah. I hear you show sooner with each pregnancy as well. The fact that my uterus is tipped forward is a huge factor too. If you remember i was doing the low carb diet when i got pregnant. I had lost 12 pound, and was soo close to my goal weight. My midwife was fine with me sticking to that diet since i was NOT starving myself or anything, but actually eating really healthy. And i planned on sticking to it. Until Morning sickness hit. At that point i do whatever i can to keep food down. Which mean a lot of crackers. The opposite of low carb. I was pertty bummed to not be able to stick to the diet because i was feeling so good and this time around i wanted to gain a healthy amount of weight during my pregnancy. So anyways doing what i can to make it through the rough days of MS (and yes, i admit, giving into a few too many cravings) i was convinced i had put on like 10 pounds. But to my surprise ive only put on three. As soon as this MS passed, i plan on hopping back on the healthy eating habits again. And to continue the prenatal yoga and exercise i started on. Until then im doing what i can to make it through the day.

And if any of you are interested id pass along what i am taking as far as prenatal care.
Far left is my vitamin D supplement. Most pregnant women dont have to worry about taking that, Im deficient in vit. D so thats why I take it.
PB8- is a great probiotic to take. helps the immune system which makes for a healthy mama, and baby!
Nordic Naturals DHA. great for brain and eye development. Nordic naturals rocks when it comes to fish oil. Super safe and good quality.
Rainbow bright prenatals are good and potent.
All of these you can buy at whole foods or even cheaper at vitacost.com .
Well I can talk pregnancy and all that jazz for hours. So i guess blogging is a good outlet for it.
Hope all the other moms out there have a happy and healthy 9 months out there!